Fuel Gas Skids
For Compressed Natural Gas (CNG):
Pressure Regulating Systems: The manifold and components at the inlet of the Pressure Regulating Systems, up to the outlet of the first stage reduction, are designed for inlet pressures up to 250 Barg.
Filtration: Adequate filtration is provided with strainers or filters.
Electrical Water Bath Heater: This is used to preheat the CNG, as the temperature of CNG drops significantly due to pressure reduction from 250 Barg to 10-15 Barg. Preheating the CNG helps eliminate droplet formation and maintain the optimal temperature after pressure reduction.
Non-Venting Safety (Slam Shut Off Valves): These valves prevent overpressure at the outlet of the first stage regulators by cutting off the gas supply if there is a seating issue at the first stage regulator.
Safety Relief Valves and Flame Arrestors: These are installed at the outlet of each Pressure Regulator for added safety.
Pressure Reduction Stages: Pressure reduction is carried out in a minimum of two or three stages to meet various site pressure requirements.